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Newshack FRage...

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04.01.05, 12:40:33


Hiho ,hab da ein kleines problem mit meinem Newshack, ich wollte gerne auch die attachments in den News ausgeben aber leider klappt das nicht so ganz... kann mir mal einer sagen was an dem script hier schief geht? die attachments versuchte ich dann per $attachment wie in der tpl_topic auszugeben... hier der code der news.php [PHP] query('SELECT (t.`id`) AS `tid`, (t.`name`) AS `tname`, t.`board_id`, t.`posts`, t.`post_date`, t.`user_id`, (p.`id`) AS `pid`, p.`text`, p.`topic_id`, (u.`id`) AS `uid`, (u.`name`) AS `uname` FROM `'.$_cfg['DB_PREFIX'].'topic` AS t, `'.$_cfg['DB_PREFIX'].'post` AS p, `'.$_cfg['DB_PREFIX'].'user` AS u WHERE t.`board_id` = 13 AND p.`topic_id` = t.`id` AND u.`id` = t.`user_id` ORDER BY t.`id` DESC LIMIT 1'); $daten = $_db->fetch_array($result); $news = array(); $news[name] = $daten[uname]; $news[uid] = $daten[uid]; $news[text] = $_bbcode->parse($daten[text]); $news[date] = date('d.m.Y',$daten[post_date]); $news[topic] = $daten[tname]; $news[tid] = $daten[tid]; $news[posts] = $daten[posts]; $news[pid] = $daten[pid]; # # ### Attachments Abfragen $attachments = array(); if (!empty($forum['attachments'])) { $result = $_db->query('SELECT * FROM `'.$_cfg['DB_PREFIX'].'attachment` WHERE `post_id` IN ('.implode(',', array_keys($news['pid'])).')'); while ($Daten = $_db->fetch_array($result)) { $attachments[$Daten['post_id']][$Daten['id']] = $Daten; } } ### Attachment ausgeben if (!empty($attachments[$Daten['id']])) { $attachment = attachment($attachments[$Daten['id']]); } else { $attachment = ''; } eval ('echo "'.$_style->get('news').'";'); footer(); ?> [/PHP] schonmal danke für antworten...
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